Great controversy they have unleashed in the last few hours around the draft of the law of submission it was presented and expected to be filed after the review. The different policy sectors have spoken about this event and there are different views on the document.
According to this draft, the law “it seeks to reorganize the sentences and their amounts, it also seeks to disassemble the scheme of prohibitions that have made ineffective the administration of justice in criminal matters, to develop the concept of the prison community and/or give effect to the principles of restorative worth it.”
Among the points that most attract the draft of the attention of the law of submission is without doubt the talk of the illegal groups and that these could hold up to ten percent of the goods that they got illegally.
“The accused may retain the right of dominion over one or some of such goods provided that the value of the business does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the total of the property,” reads the draft.
For experts, a measure of this kind is not exactly new in the legal system, but exaggerated the amount of the refund.
John David Bazzani, lawyer, spoke with News RCN about these new measures: “The proposal to return the 10% is not a new theme. In the law of extinction domain already have incentives of return of 3%,” he said.
“What there is to review is the percentage of return, an incentive back negative,” he added.
The senior officers whose roles have allowed imputation of heinous crimes, once convicted they would have up to 60% discount, which would begin to carry it out in a centre of a prison. Would have additional permissions.
“Having fulfilled the 2/5 part of the penalty will enter a period of semi-open where you will be able to access permissions of 15 days every two months, must comply with the load restorative program of restoration and reintegration special,” says the document.
For its part, Ivan cepeda, president of the Commission of the Peace of Congress she said: “(This draft) sets out clearly what will be the sense of the possible destruction of organizations”.
From the Congress there are those who question that the victims are in a second plane in the draft law.
For some lawyers some point yes, but without giving up the chase against criminal organizations that they do not give samples of leave the weapons.
Finally, from the bed of government have been very measured in front of the reactions of this draft project, for example, the president of the Congress points out that first has to be reviewed by the minister of Justice, the president and the attorney general of the nation. to then be filed.
“It will be reviewed by the prosecutor, the president, to give opinions on draft, it's still speculation,” he said to News RCN, Roy Barriers.